Parallel optimization in details
Master processor carries out operation of the main IOSO unit. This unit
is called data analysis and moving strategy unit. Within the frameworks
of the given unit, analysis of stored information is performed for the
variables, constraints, and optimization criteria. The neighborhood of
the current solution is selected, the promising areas for further search
are determined, and formulation of the sequence of the next operations
is performed. Three possible actions could be performed in the end of
the current iteration:
I) Optimization process termination. This is performed by the stop-criterion
activation when working in automatic operation mode, or if a researcher
terminates the process when working in an interactive operation mode.
II) Experiment design generation. This involves generation of a set of
points in the initial search area (at the initial stage of optimization),
or in a promising sub-region of the search area. Then, for this set of
points, both the optimization criteria calculations and parallel constraints
calculations are performed by slave processors. The obtained information
is transmitted back to the unit of data analysis and moving strategy and
the next iteration is started.
III) The most probable action is a synthesis of the response surface functions for optimization criteria
and constraints. These functions differ in both structure and search
area. The synthesis is performed with the help of slave processors.